Monday, January 20, 2025

Hello, World!

I am thrilled to share with you my passion for teaching in special education via this blog! I’ve been wanting a public space for quite some time now, and I finally summoned the courage to create it. The process of designing this website from scratch, entirely on my own, has been laborious and intense, at times intimidating, at times extremely frustrating. Nonetheless the learning curve has been very steep, and I cannot be more excited at the prospect of having a public voice today! On my good days, you will find me at my desk, diligently preparing and delivering curated lessons and instructional activities for my students. On my very good days, I will be looking foolish, playing games, crawling or dancing around, spellbinding my “audience”, and making sure my kiddos leave the classroom saying “Mrs. Sylvander, this was the best day ever!”

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