Monday, January 20, 2025


Diana T. Sylvander, M.A., is an internationally certified Special Education teacher, and a certified Baby Signs® instructor. Diana received her undergraduate degree in Special Education from Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in 2001, and has a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the same university since 2017. Her teaching journey began in 1997, at Transylvania College, a private school in Eastern Europe. She climbed the professional ladder from a paraprofessional position, to becoming certified as a Kindergarten teacher, a Speech Pathologist, and a principal. In the United States, she taught both in public and private schools, as a regular and special education teacher, in South Carolina, Ohio, and Louisiana. She also taught Baby Signs ® and “edutainment” classes for children 0-5 years old at “Lil’Me” Clubhouse, her own “Mommy and Me” business, for several years while her military family was stationed in Okinawa, Japan, Washington, DC, and Dayton, OH.

As a visual learner, I believe in the power of pictures! As a special educator, I advocate for our students’ success in classrooms with an abundance of visuals. As an author, I am working tirelessly to create materials that support all major areas: academics, behavior, and classroom management. This is a growing site, so please check back often.

Diana T. Sylvander

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